OECD, EUROSTAT, WHO/EUROPE – common set of statistical data

NCZI in co-operation with the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic contributes with statistical data a methods to the common collection by means of Joint Data Collection on Non-Monetary Health Care Statistics questionnaire. The questionnaire represents mutuality of OECD, EUROSTAT and WHO/EUROPE aiming to harmonise indicators in field of non-monetary statistics, and to gain internationally comparable data on key aspects of health care systems in the monitored member states of OECD, EUROSTAT and WHO/EUROPE.
„Joint Questionnaire“ aggregates data from following areas:
  • Health employment and education – health professional by selected professions (physicians, dentists, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, hospital employment, graduates, and other).
  • Physical and technical resources – number of hospitals, number of hospital beds, medical technology.
  • Health care activities – in frame of out-patient care – consultations, vaccination, prevention; in frame of hospital care – hospital discharges in total and by diagnose groups, average length of stay, exams, and selected surgical procedures.
  • Eurostat Additional Module – selected data in regional break-down provided exclusively for Eurostat from member states and candidates of EU, and EFTA countries.
  • Hospital discharge data – hospital discharges, number of nursing days, and day cases by main diagnose, gender and age from WHO – European Region.

Data made public:
  • in OECD Health Statistics database from OECD member states
  • in Eurostat database (topical area Population and social conditions>Health) from member and candidate countries of EU and EFTA countries.