International cooperation

National Health Information Center (NCZI) founded with the aim to build material and professional basis for assuring development of health informatics and health statistics, and provision of librarian services in range of medical sciences and health care in the Slovak Republic is a partner to analogical institutes in abroad, particular in the European Union.
In frame of health statistics, NCZI cooperates on international level with:

  • EUROSTAT in range of tasks implicit for SR towards EU, and related with Chapter 12 Statistics
  • WHO in range of international comparability of health indicators
  • OECD in range of Health Data, Health Care Quality Indicators, and System of Health Accounts
  • EMCDDA in range of drugs and drug addiction

Cooperation covers regular provision of requested data from Slovak health care to the European Commission, OECD, World Bank, WHO, UNICEF, and mediation of health data of other countries deposited in mentioned institutions. Data exchange wouldn’t be efficient without analyzing definitions and harmonization of demanded indicators. NCZI engages professionals who participate in several international working groups and/or projects, and create methods for compatible statistical outputs.

In frame of librarian services, the Slovak Medical Library cooperates with WHO as a Documentation Center of World Health Organization.